The QHotels Collection
Why cinnamon is so much more than just a festive spice

Why cinnamon is so much more than just a festive spice

With its evocative perfume and distinctive, aromatic flavour, there is nothing which sums up Christmas more than cinnamon. However, you may be interested to learn that cinnamon offers a whole array of impressive health and wellbeing benefits, which makes it so much more than just a festive spice.

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Healthy comfort food?Yes it’s true…Read on!

Healthy comfort food?
Yes it’s true…Read on!

Healthy and comfort food are not words you would normally associate with going together, particularly at this time of year. However, you will be pleased to hear that healthy comfort food really does exist, you just need a little inside information into what’s good and what’s not! And it’s important to remember that it’s also a case of how you cook rather than what you cook, too.

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